Our bags are made with a patented, high-quality polyethylene-based material that is 100% vegan. It contains no Formaldehyde or Chromium, no PVC, and no toxic by-products like many other alternatives in the market. The material is made in Japan by a manufacturer committed to reducing the environmental impact of the fashion industry through responsible production.
Many consumers will discard their handbags when they get stained, scratched, or hardware tarnishes and breaks over time. In an effort to combat this needless waste, KWONN bags are intentionally designed to be hand washable, scratch-resistant, and hardware free.
We offer thoughtfully designed bags with extended lifespans - in doing so, we produce fewer, yet higher-quality items that are less likely to end up in landfills. Thank you for your commitment to shopping sustainably.
- Please store your handbag with care. It is recommended to store your handbags in their own protective dust bag. When not in use, please keep them stuffed with clean bubble wrap or clean paper to retain their shape and do not stack handbags on top of one another.
- Please store your handbag in a cool dry place away from direct sunlight or humidity.
- Please avoid hanging your bag by its straps. This might put pressure on its strap connectors and can wear out its seams prematurely.
- Please avoid folding and pressing the bags at all costs.
Our bags are designed to be gently hand washed. We recommend to always spot clean first and avoid frequent washing to preserve the bag’s lifespan. Too much abrasion, humidity, perspiration etc could damage the fabric.
Do not use hot water. Do not use the dryer. Do not bleach.
- Wash separately with cold water and add a small amount of mild detergent (preferably natural).
- Gently squeeze excess water from bag. Do not twist or wring.
- Lay on towel and air dry.
Dry Cleaning
Our bags can be dry cleaned.
Spot Cleaning
For spills, gently pat the spilled liquid with a paper towel. This will take care of most spills. For dried-in soiling, best results are obtained by gently brushing the stained area. Avoid scrubbing to prevent damage to the textured surface of the bag.
- For more serious stains, dampen a cloth in lukewarm water (about 105ºF/40ºC) and wipe the area from the outside in
- It is important to keep a clean area of the cloth applied to the stain while the fabric is gently rubbed
- If the surface nap looks tousled, brush it softly.
- After wiping, allow the fabric to dry completely before use.
Oil-Based Stains Not Removable with Water
- Try to wipe up oily stains as much as possible—without spreading the stain—with a dry cloth or paper towel.
- Next, take two cotton balls or rags, one soaked in ethyl alcohol, the other clean and dry. Pat the stained area from the outside in with the alcohol-soaked cloth, then pat the loosened dirt and oil off with the dry cloth.
- Repeat depending on degree of soiling.
- After removing the stain, let the fabric dry completely before using.
- Caution: Never pour a cleaning product directly onto bags. If you use ethyl alcohol, make sure the room is well-ventilated and avoid contact with open flames.